Earth and Paws - How to Get Rid of Fleas

Beagle catching ball in the backyard

What you need to know about how to get rid of fleas

Pets love the great outdoors and, as it so happens, so do fleas! Knowing how to get rid of fleas is going to be an essential part of taking care of your four-legged friend.

Fleas look like black or dark brown specks that are about 1-3 mm long: just big enough to be visible to the naked eye. These parasites are wingless and they can jump up to seven feet to attach to a host, whose blood they then ingest. Gross! They are most common in hot, humid areas. In fact, if you live in an area where the temperature stays above freezing most of the year, you may even have a problem with fleas in winter.

Pet fur is the perfect place for fleas to hide and lay their eggs. Humans can also pick fleas up in their shoes or on their clothing after being in nature or around other animals. Regardless of how they appear in your environment, you should act quickly to kill the fleas and prevent future infestations. 

Why is it important to get rid of fleas quickly? 

If your pet has fleas, your yard and home may have them too. Fleas multiply extremely quickly. In fact, a mating female flea can produce up to 2,000 eggs in her lifetime. These critters can begin biting pets and people within a day of hatching. That’s why it’s important to learn how to kill fleas fast.

Quick action is especially important for the health of your pets. Timely flea control can reduce the amount of time your furry friends are itchy and uncomfortable. It also reduces the chances that they will suffer health complications.

Flea Collars

For lasting flea repellency, consider a flea-and-tick collar for your dog or cat. Earth and Paws’s Flea and Tick Collars are designed for pets that are 8+ months old. They are proven to repel and help prevent fleas and ticks with the power of essential oils. They're a great added layer of protection while you deal with an infestation and to prevent an issue.


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